Natural Pure Mountain Honey An exceptional Honey from several trees of rich and diverse ecosystems in the forest.
This is pure Honey in its richest and purest form just like in nature, Highest quality Honey, 100% ORGANIC,
No sugar used, no antibiotics used’, only natural elements to keep the bees healthy, and give pure honey.
Known since antiquity, rich in precious metals, antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes and other essential components of our daily diet and absorbed easily by the body, offering an energy source for athletes, children and those who live an intense daily lifestyle. It offers health, beauty and wellbeing to the human body.
It has a potential therapeutic role in the treatment of disease by phytochemical, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
It contains not only life supporting vitamins and minerals, but naturally occurring enzymes that aid in digestion, cell regeneration, tissue repair, bone maintenance, muscle activity and even thinking itself!
It also contains valuable natural sugar in bio available glucose and fructose from which provide slow release, sustained energy lasting for hours.
Tastes delicious in tea, coffee and fruit salads